
  • Cândido Julião Muvale Faculdade Palotina - FAPAS


Células-tronco, Embriões, Dilema moral, Pesquisa


The research with stem cells collected from embryos is pregnant with promises and attractive potentialities for today's problems. However, given that this research involves the destruction and experiments with human embryos, it has been an imbroglio in the ethical-moral sphere, especially for Christians who, like Jesus Christ, prioritize life in any situation. Thus, in addition to raising differing opinions within the Christian faithful who question their lawfulness, these medical experiments impose a moral dilemma that leaves Christians at the mercy of chance and without clear moral coordinates: whether it is evangelical to destroy embryos to research the cure of various diseases or omit help in favor of the search for ethical means that, up to nowadays, seem possible in the distant future. Faced with this, the Christian finds himself trapped in a sac and exiled in a confusing plot. However, there is a light at the bottom of the tunnel. This light denotes saving lives without having to destroy the embryos. Apart from sacrificing the embryos to collect stem cells needed for research, adult stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells can be used, as they are also effective for experiments. This option is more evangelical, because, in addition to saving human lives, it also helps Christians to live their discipleship better and to position themselves with confidence and Christian conviction in the face of this dilemma.


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How to Cite

MUVALE, C. J. PESQUISA COM CÉLULAS-TRONCO EMBRIONÁRIAS: DIVERGÊNCIAS ÉTICAS QUE CAUSAM UM DILEMA MORAL. Frontistés - Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia e Teologia, [S. l.], v. 14, n. 25, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 nov. 2024.