Santíssima Trindade, Pericorese, Fé eclesial, Fé pessoalAbstract
The Christian faith, which is founded on Holy Trinity, bears with it indelible marks of the community of faith. For this reason, the Christian, in his unique and peculiar act of faith, is called and prone towards the Church – the community of faith. In this sense, every act of believing that is disinterested in the community of faith is unrelated to the Christian faith; that is, every kind of private Christian faith is not only anti-evangelical, it is also antagonist to Jesus Christ's proposal to form one body, living perichoretic love inspired by the divine community. On this path, the community of faith is essential, because it is the cradle of the Christian's faith, it gives direction and meaning to his act of believing, provides necessary tools to deepen his personal faith, keeping him focused on his path of incessant existential and anthropological search. The ecclesial faith does not oppose the personal faith of the Christian and vice-versa. Rather, there is interpenetration, interlacing, and in-habitation in each other; there is perichoresis between ecclesial faith and personal faith.
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