Church. Culture. Homosexuality. Moral Conscience. PrejudiceAbstract
The aim of this paper is to show that the historical and evolutionary approach to homosexuality recorded in different cultures throughout the human history is still of extreme importance today. The Church needs people who are able to offer an answer that will meet the challenges and updates of the mankind of our age. Given that this issue is addressed in different fields of study in different academies, the article seeks to expose the current vision of the Magisterium by explaining how this issue has been addressed throughout history. For this reason, the findings contemplated here will challenge us to reflect on our conception as unique individuals, and on the position that the Church takes regarding homoafetivity. It is an article that will challenge the moral conscience of those who propose to make a reading free of prejudice and judgment, since these are not guidelines to be established, but a reflection that springs from the pronouncements of the Magisterium throughout history and the vision offered by Pope Francis and by some theologians of our days
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